The chat_user module introduction

We do not place any restrictions on the number of modules your app can work with or the compatibility of modules with each other. In your app manifest, along with this module, you can include any module that you deem fit for your use case.

What kind of apps can you build for this module?

App building capabilities (For this module, can you build…)
... a front-end app?... a serverless app?... a full-stack SMI app?

Note:Let us assume that your existing app is built on platform 2.3 (or an earlier version). Your app is built to work with stand-alone Freshchat. Your app uses the onUser serverless events. If you want to migrate this app as a 3.0 app, modularise your app to work with both chat_user and contact modules. Only then the app can be successfully deployed on stand-alone Freshchat (which recognizes onUser events) and Freshsales Suite (which recognizes onContact events).

Who can access an app built for this module?

An app user with any of the following:

  • A stand-alone Freshchat subscription.
  • A Freshsales suite subscription that subscribes to Freshsales classic, Freshchat, and Freshcaller.
  • A Freshsales suite subscription that subscribes to only Freshchat.
  • A Freshsales suite subscription that subscribes to only Freshcaller.
  • A Freshsales suite subscription that subscribes to only Freshsales classic.

For more information, see the SKUs and SKU subscriptions section.

Fundamental interfaces

From our Developer toolkit, what are the fundamental tools that you can use to build an app for this module?

An app built for this module can react to the following events.

Common events: In the app manifest, configure these events at modules.common.

Product-specific events: In the app manifest, configure these events at modules.chat_user.