
Before we leave you to yourself and the platform, we would love to share a few handy resources that will help you keep going and growing on the platform.

DocumentationEach Freshworks product attracts its own set of problems to be solved, and APIs and methods available to developers might vary across products. Learn more by diving into any of our product documentation.
Sample appsFor every feature and product, we try to provide a simple application that could help picture a solution. Start exploring Sample Apps today.
TutorialsWith the basic concepts of the platform in your back pocket, the next obvious step is to gain more hands-on experience building apps. With this exact intent, we have prepared some step-by-step guided tutorials for developers. You can explore the tutorials now.
ForumEver ran into a problem and wondered if someone else has already faced it? This is one reason we have built a community around the Freshworks platform! You can also connect with other fellow developers and learn from each other in our community. Explore the forum for Freshworks Developers.
CrayonsIf you have wondered how to build an app UI that meets the Freshworks Style Guide and looks and feels exactly like our products, Crayons is the web component library for you! Check the Crayons documentation out. It’s open-source, and we welcome issues and contributions.
BlogsWe frequently share updates and announcements that ease the app development process and equip your team with new opportunities. Make sure you keep an eye out on the Developer Platform Blog.
FAQsWe have tried to actively maintain a set of common problems our community has encountered. Don’t forget to check out Frequently Asked Questions while you swing by our forum.
NewsletterEvery month we learn and release updates for developers like you. Consider subscribing to the newsletter and be the first to grab a seat at developer events, join beta programs, and much more!

You have built your first few apps and are armed with a quiver full of resources to continue building.

You have a basic understanding of what Freshworks offers and how this might be different from anything else you have been building on.