Pre-Submission Preparation


This section is meant for developers who have built an app with Freshworks Toolkit or have an external app and are trying to submit their app for marketplace listing on Freshworks Marketplace.


If you haven't built your app yet, or need to ensure it's built correctly, follow these steps:

  • Only apps of type Freshworks Apps or External Apps are subject for review.

  • Custom Apps address specific customer requirements and are available only to that customer hence are not subject to review; it is available for installation as soon as it is submitted and published.

Finalizing App Documentation

Documentation is a crucial component of your app submission. It not only helps users understand and utilize your app effectively but also assists reviewers in evaluating your app's functionality and compliance with Freshworks standards. Comprehensive and well-prepared documentation can significantly enhance your app's chances of approval. Here's a detailed guide on what to include:

  1. User Guide (
  2. Release Notes

User Guide

As part of the review process, our internal QA team verifies the app for feature completeness and expected behavior. Reviewers may request additional details during testing or any other phase of review to understand more about app functionality and expected behavior. Hence, for faster reviews, we recommend adding a file to provide these details. This file should include:

  • Overview of the app.
  • Detailed feature descriptions.
  • Edge cases and special scenarios.

Release Notes

Release notes are crucial for keeping users and reviewers informed about the changes, improvements, and fixes in your app. They provide a transparent history of your app's development and updates. For faster reviews we recommend to create a file with following details.

Key Components of Release Notes:

  • Version History
    • List of all released versions with release dates.
    • Summary of changes, improvements, and bug fixes in each version.
  • Detailed Changelogs
    • In-depth descriptions of significant updates and new features.
    • Explanations of bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Known Issues and Limitations
    • List of any known issues in the current version.
    • Planned fixes and expected updates.

Code Quality Check


Each component in the coverage summary should be at least 80% for apps that are submitted to Freshworks Marketplace

The code coverage summary lets you know the extent to which you have tested your app. For this, execute the fdk run command on the terminal. You can test your app for both positive and negative cases with equal importance.

Once you exit testing, the CLI prints the code coverage summary with which you can gauge how extensive your testing was. To access the latest code coverage report, navigate to the coverage folder from the app’s root directory.

If you are unsure on how to achieve the code coverage or improve code quality checkout our guide on code coverage

The Code Coverage Guidebook: Managing All your Scenarios
It offers essential strategies and practical insights to achieve comprehensive code coverage. Elevate your testing practices and ensure software reliability with real-world examples and actionable advice for developers at all levels.