Get Set Up


  • Ensure all the dependencies are installed. See “What we’ll need” section of Introduction step.
  • Ensure Freshworks CLI is installed with the version of 9.1.0 or above. Check version with the command fdk version.

Create a new app

  • Open an empty directory.
  • Create a new app with the command fdk create, and choose common-template-app.
  • Open the created app in your favorite code editor such as Visual Studio Code.

Keep the created app and we will enhance over it.

If you stuck in any step of the tutorial, you can refer to the complete app in this repository.


  1. Open the created app in your favourite code editor.
  2. Open Terminal/Command Prompt and run, fdk run command.
  3. You should notice CLI starts a simulated server at http://localhost:10001/.
  4. Login to Freshdesk trial account and pay attention to four placeholders after appending ?dev=true at every page. You should see an app icon available to activate the app.
  5. View the app in the Freshservice Ticket Sidebar location.